1. Do morals come from God or the majority?
Did not respond to questionnaire.
Allison Miedema
Morals come from God alone. If a society bases its morals on subjective social consensus which is like shifting sand, it’s just that - a consensus which leads to a society that becomes like ships adrift at sea, only to realize that without an anchor or the tools to hold fast, a society sinks and the country falls. Our conscience is only as good as the moral standard that informs it. When individuals or a society recognizes that morals come from God alone, they have objective truth and can stand firm against many storms that come. God gives us His written and spoken Word to know right from wrong through His revelation to us. We can look at history and easily see that when we look to the majority for its morals vs God, we quickly come to the end of ourselves and a free nation.
2. Are there only 2 genders, male and female?
Did not respond to questionnaire.
Allison Miedema
There are only 2 genders, male and female. Each of us were uniquely and wonderfully made. Males have the XY chromosomes and females are born with the XX chromosomes - this is not something that can be altered. When we die, our bone structure still reflects how we were biologically born. Those who struggle with gender confusion or identity should be cared for, shown compassion and love, which includes sharing truth out of love. Telling someone a lie is not love. I from alcoholism, drug abuse, and eating disorders. Those who have persevered and conquered had people come alongside them, share resources, listened to them, and spoke loving truth into their lives,not allowing them to go through recovery alone.
3. Do parents or the government know what is best to teach a child?
Did not respond to questionnaire.
Allison Miedema
Parents that seek wisdom from God ultimately know best what to teach their children. Parents, generally speaking, know their children best and will go to great lengths to advocate for them. It is important for parents to maintain their God-given rights to raise their children and not allow the government to dictate to them. Parents; freedom of speech must also be protected. As mentioned in our Michigan School Code: “It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to determine and direct the care, teaching, and education of their children. The public schools of this state serve the needs of the pupils by cooperating with the pupil’s parents and legal guardians to develop the pupil’s intellectual capabilities and vocational skills in a safe and positive environment.” Moms and dads will not co-parent with the government.
4. Should biological boys be allowed in girls’ bathrooms?
Did not respond to questionnaire.
Allison Miedema
Biological boys should not be allowed in girls’ bathrooms. I implore all people, but especially men, to use your platform and advocate on behalf of your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and the future generations of women. Men have been given a special responsibility as defender and protector of the family. When men use their voices to speak up on behalf of girls, our entire society flourishes and becomes healthy. While caring for those who truly struggle with gender identity and confusion, we must prioritize caring for and protecting girls and women. And we must continue pointing to truth, which is found in God alone and God’s Word.
5. Which media organizations do you get your news from?
Did not respond to questionnaire.
Allison Miedema
Eclectic pulling of local, state and national news from fellow trusted believers from a variety of media sources; The Heidi St. John Podcast; Simply American; The Coopersville Observer; Epoch Times; The Briefing with Albert Mohler (daily podcast); Hillsdale: The Imprimis Newsletter;